The word "Prejudice" comes from two larin words. The first one is pre (before) and the second one is judicium which means trial or sentence. The word "Prejudice" basicaly means to pre-judge someone or something. It is like you make up your mind about a person before meeting them.
When you are Prejudice, you create a whole set of values and beliefs based on superficial reasons and not facts or knowledge. It is like you define a complex person (like you or me) by one or two characteristics (eg: Gay, Black, Fat...) and forget that they have a lot more of characteristics.
Prejudices are opinions we form about other people, which help justify our own anxieties or fears which are based on inadequate or distorted facts. Prejudice is closely linked to power. Individuals or groups who feel their power is under threat try to protect themselves by treating minority groups as inferior.
The dictionary's definition for Prejudice is: "The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event. The word has commonly been used in certain restricted contexts, in the expression 'racial prejudice'".